Lacation Services

Our Philosophy
I believe in biodynamic breastfeeding, “Bio” means biological, the way of nature. For breastfeeding, this means understanding and trusting the normal physiological process of breastfeeding for both mom and baby and the instinctive need of women for safety and support during the postpartum period. ”Dynamic” refers to motion and change and is used to refer to the individual nature of each breastfeeding pair’s experience.
Breastfeeding is impacted by many factors. I treat breastfeeding as a holistic process, taking into account the big picture of health and happiness for mom and baby.
I provide individualized care. We know that one way does not work best for all breastfeeding pairs. While informed by my experiences with other breastfeeding families, I look at each mother and baby as unique and work to create a care plan that will work for you while nurturing an environment where women can trust their innate power as mothers.
I believe in informed choice. I believe that when provided with accurate and accessible information, each individual woman and/or family can make the best choice for herself and/or her family. I believe that gathering information and making choices contributes to the empowering experience of the breastfeeding process and is an important part of parenthood. It is my goal to provide the information, tools and support necessary so that mothers can in turn, empower themselves. I trust mothers. I believe that you know your baby better than anyone else. I will always honor your intuition.
- Emilia
In-home lactation support
No, I don’t care if you’re wearing your pajamas or if your house is messy! I have two young children and completely understand. I can also visit you in the hospital or birth center.
Initial Consultation
Initial consultations begin with getting to know each other. Together, we will review your pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding history and the current challenges you are experiencing. There will be time to share your story. I will observe a feeding and perform a gentle examination of you and/or your baby as needed to gather information. After your current challenges have been assessed, we will make a written care plan together. Initial visits usually last about two hours.
Follow up support is provided via phone/text/email and is included as part of the initial visit fee.
Follow-up Visits
Sometimes one visit is all that is needed, but you may need to see me more than once. Follow-up home visits usually last about one hour. We will discuss how your care plan is working for you and make any changes necessary. Continued follow up support via phone/text/email is included as part of the fee and encouraged.
Prenatal Consultations
I also offer prenatal consultations and private breastfeeding classes. A prenatal visit is focused on providing information that will set you up for breastfeeding success, and answering any questions or concerns you may have. If you have had previous breastfeeding challenges, we may use this time to create a plan for breastfeeding management.
Consultation fees are per appointment, not an hourly rate, so that we can take as much time as needed and no on will feel rushed. Initial visits usually last about two hours and follow-up visits about an hour.

What is an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant® (IBCLC®)
An International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) is a health care professional who specializes in the clinical management of breastfeeding. An IBCLC is certified by the International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners®, (hyperlink to Inc. under the direction of the US National Commission for Certifying Agencies. An IBCLC works in a wide variety of health care settings, including hospitals, pediatric offices, public health clinics, and private practice.
The IBCLC is the gold standard for lactation credentials. You can visit the IBLCE website to read about our professional standards.
- International Lactation Consultant Association, member (ILCA)
- United States Lactation Consultant Association, member (USLCA)
- Nursing Mothers Counsel, peer counselor trainer (NMC)
- La Leche League International, retired leader (LLL)
Do I need to see a Lactation Consultant?
There are a variety of reasons to seek help from a Lactation Consultant. Some reasons to contact an IBCLC include, but are not limited to the following:
Pain – nipple pain, breast pain, latch problems, engorgement, plugged ducts, mastitis, thrush (yeast), nipple or breast trauma.
Milk supply – concerns about low milk supply, oversupply, delayed lactogenesis (mature milk not in by day 5)
Weight gain (baby) – slow or poor weight gain
Latch problems – painful latch, non-latching baby, tongue/lip tie, other structural concerns
Prenatal concerns – fertility issues, prior breastfeeding difficulties, prior breast surgeries (augmentation, reduction, biopsy), no breast changes during pregnancy or history of asymmetrical breasts, history of hormonal imbalance
Pumping – pump schedule, maintaining supply, going back to work
Older babies – nursing an older baby/toddler/preschooler, tandem nursing, nursing during pregnancy, starting solids
Baby at the breast – fussiness at the breast, sleepy baby, baby constantly at the breast but not gaining weight
Special concerns – multiples, traumatic birth, prematurity, special needs baby, mom-baby separation, adoption
Questions about – medications (prescription, herbal, or over-the-counter), use of feeding tools (bottles, nipple shields, at-breast supplementation)